After discussion in details regarding how to lower the pH level of pool we received a lot of feedback from people who maintain pool by themselves (although we encourage to opt for weekly pool service ) to give instructions of how to increase the pH level of pool. The lower pH level of the pool…
With the onset of February the valentine season is upon us, so if you are interested in throwing a fun and entertaining party this Valentine’s Day? Having a swimming pool in your own backyard can be really useful whenever there are special occasions like this one. There is nothing like staying in and celebrating with…
As we know that the summer season is coming, Summer season is the best time to enjoy the swimming pool especially if you live in South Florida. It’s also the right time to opt for pool remodeling south Florida. Its good to have weekly pool service to maintain the pool but if you looking to…
We always insist that you should always go with weekly pool service as it’s very important to keep your pool neat and clean because the pool can lead to the foul smell of the pool, bad odour and in some cases can lead to health issues like the spread of water-borne diseases. But if you…
It’s summer again, and it looks like it’s going to be a really hot and steamy summer this year. The best way to cool off is to sweep a nice watering hole while the sunburns. We at PBC Pool provide weekly pool service, pool remodeling south florida and pool service in wellington. Here are the…
After several months of cold weather, it is beginning to warm up in time for the swimming season. With a little bit of work, you will be on your way to having a clean pool and a stress-free spring opening! If you are a new pool owner or are taking care of your pool for…